Wednesday, April 6, 2011

April Monthly Challenge - Part II

April's Physical Strength Challenge.

Point Value:  Up to 3 points.

You will progressively add 3 strength exercises to your current workout regimen this month.  If you're already doing them, great!  This will be an easy challenge for you!.  If you're not really doing an exercise regimen, then this might be your whole routine for the month, which is great too!  You'll be doing something.  But you gotta do it the way I say for it to qualify for points.

The first exercise will be push-ups; the second exercise, squats; and the third, a back exercise. 

This first week, will be the push-up challenge.  You must watch the video and choose a version of push-ups to do 3 times this week.  You must do 3 sets of 10-20 repetitions (if you can pound out more than 20 then you need to choose a more challenging version).  I recommend giving yourself a rest day in between the push-up workouts.  You can do these almost anywhere and any time.  They're quick to do and I suggest just tacking them on to the end of your current workout.

So do them!!!  All of us should be able to find one option that will work for us, personally.  Next week we'll be adding squats to the mix.


  1. Alright Johnson/Galbraith/Madrigal/Twitchell's get it in gear! I am going to go walking when Gabe gets off today and add the wall push ups! I would go now but it is too windy for Bryce so I need to get a wind breaker for my jogger. Love you all

  2. Yay, Weeze! You go, girl. Thanks for the push to the rest of us!

  3. Okay Sharon I have to say I didn't take my own advice until today! Olivia and Danika have been home sick and today Olivia was driving me nuts so I was making her do some exercises like running up and down the stairs, jumping jacks, sit ups, push ups yadda yadda yadda! Anyway, I realized that, here is her out of shape (FAT) mom sitting on the couch telling her how to workout. Okay so then I realized it was raining out but that we have netflix and they have workout vids on there. Short story long I put one on and I worked out for 25 mins. So there we go my inspiration came from my 7 yr old who now tells me that I am going to do this everyday with her:)I also did the push ups at the end so here is to 2 more days and then 4 next wk. I am trying to be realistic here! Come on fam.
