Wednesday, June 29, 2011

My Nephew's Plank

This was the original pic posted on facebook.
 Well, the planking craze is still going strong apparently (Did you watch the video yet?  Pretty funny).  My nephew, Asa, got on the bandwagon by doing one while waiting in line at a theme park.  Very impressive, I must say!  He's got abs (and a core) of steel!

Here it is a little larger but blurrier.  You can still tell he has perfect form!
He's a fun/funny kid!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

June Mid-month Challenge

I know you've all been waiting with bated breath and just been chomping at the bit to get at this month's challenge.  In anticipation for this month's challenge, my niece, Ashlee shared this great clip on the planking craze that's been taking the world by storm.  Uhhh... actually this is the first I heard about it.  But it's funny stuff!


By the way, some of that planking is just laying face down and is not benefitting the core muscles at all!  But this month's challenge is designed to do just that:  work those "core" muscles!  Planking is an excellent activity to enhance any abdominal exercises you probably are already doing in your fitness routine. 

The core muscles basically include everything on your torso between your shoulders and hips including the front and back of your body.  By strengthening this area, you keep yourself well-balanced and better prepared to tackle the challenges of exercising as well as your routine daily movements.  Not to mention planking will work on toning and tightening your middle.

The main thing to remember with planking is, keep your tummy pulled-in and tight!  See - now the importance of last month's challenge comes to light!  And you want your body to make a straight line from your shoulders to your feet (or knees, depending on which version of the plank you're doing) just like a plank of wood.

So here's the challenge:
Point Value:  1

Do 2 sets of 10 repetitions (if movement is involved) or 2 sets of at least a 20-second hold of your plank exercise(s) of your choice... 3 x/week until the end of this month.

This challenge must be completed as stated above to earn the point!

A few notes about the demo video:  If it doesn't work for you, tell me and I'll email you written instructions and pictures.  Also, our microphone broke, so I couldn't talk you through any of the exercises.  However, I think just by watching it, you'll catch on just fine.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Report From The Next "Extreme Couponer"

Well, I did accomplish both challenges this month.  I did plenty of gut-sucking.  Easy challenge, huh?  If you didn't do it... well, then, you're just plain lazy, aren't you?!  Yeah, I said it!  Did anyone besides me do it???  You have to report in or you don't get the point!

I also organized my couponing system and that has helped a lot with my weekly shopping.  I'm not saving 98.3% on my grocery bill like those extreme couponing freaks just yet, but I feel that I'm saving the most I possibly can by having my coupons at the ready to pair them up with the stores' sales.  Some weeks are better than others and this one was a good one because I saved about 45% on my groceries.  Score!

I found a website that I like and followed her method of setting up a couponing system (I commandeered Keith's unused Franklin Planner binder so now I'm one of those zealots who roams the grocery aisles with her big black notebook stuffed with the weekly ads and dozens of coupons).  I do have to dedicate some time each week to clipping and filing coupons and printing off the printable coupons.  And making my shopping lists is a bit more strategic so it takes more thought than it used to, but, for us, it's been worth it so far.  Sorry to blab, but just wanted to pass that along.
And I know I've made empty promises before, but I'm hoping to be sincere when I say this month's challenge will be coming this week... with a video!  (That's always the hold-up).

So in the meantime, keep doing your ab bracing and be ready for.... some planking!

Deets to come soon.