Thursday, March 7, 2013

And The Winner Of The 2012 Golden Sneaker Award Is....

Me. That's right, meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Me. Me. ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've kinda planned on keeping myself exempt from winning any of the awards, but y'know what? This year I kicked booty. Some of you did get into it and I appreciate your efforts, but I kicked more booty than any of y'all!

Plus Keith, Regan and I all badly needed new sneakers, so we raided the cash pot for a totally great cause. Also, some of the money is going to our Not-So-Dumbbell Award winner.... Me AGAIN!

Here's just a recap of my healthy, active year and why I am so darn deserving of the Golden Sneaker:
Weekly Hiking, Scrambling, Trail Running @ Red Rock

Indoor Rock Climbing
Stand-Up Paddleboarding
Tough Mudder

Yeah, I could go on, but I'll just stop there.

I sincerely want to applaud all of you that participated in any way in this Golden Sneaker challenge. I know that many of you did stuff without reporting it or even just did your own thing and I'm proud of those that made an effort to make their life a bit healthier last year.

Thanks, also, to those that had the opportunity to keep Fit Stanley active throughout the year. He didn't make it around the entire family like I'd hoped, but we'll see what this year holds in store for him!

In regards to the 2013 Golden Sneaker challenge: Yes, it will happen... but in a slightly different format. Oooo, I know you're intrigued. STAY TUNED!!!!!! More to come, very soon!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013



Well, what do you think of 2013 so far? You don't really have to answer that question. It's mostly rhetorical.

I'm just going to assume that, at this moment, cries of "maravilloso!" or "Ihana!" or "วิเศษ!" or just plain ol' "wonderful!" are resonating throughout households in Washington, Utah, California and Nevada.

I do, however, need a real answer from those who earned any points on the 12 Acts of Fitness Challenge. Be it 1 or all 24 possible, please let me know. Even if you realize that your measly point tally won't put you in the running for winning the "Not-So-Dumbbell" award, still report in (you can just reply to this email - you don't even have to post on the blog: I'll do that) because I really want to know if anyone out there did any of it!

I accomplished 9 of the Acts.  I witnessed Mom doing Act of Fitness #4 thanks to the Wii Just Dance that we got for Christmas.  Trust me:  Gramma can bust a move!  And Keith did several of them with me so he earned a few points.  In fact he did #8 many times right in front of me.  (If you're familiar with the challenge, you'll know how funny that is).

Report in soon so I can announce the winner of the "Not-So-Dumbbell" Award, which is a $50 gift card of choice. Yeeeehawwww!

Also coming soon, of course, is the announcement of the winner of the 2012 Golden Sneaker Award! The winner has not yet been determined but I think a surprise is in store for everyone... Stay tuned!!!