Friday, October 28, 2011

Dirty paper plates just made my day!

We were just over to Mom and Dad's tonight and I saw the evidence to back up Dad's workout claims:  dirty paper plates in the office!  I'm very impressed!  What a good sport for trying it!  You definitely get a point for your efforts and for nagging the rest of us, Dad!

Keith and I also trained each other on the paper plate workout the other day, earning us another point each.  I think he forgot just how effective those little sliders can be!

Okay, in a last-ditch effort to help you guys earn your points, you still have a few days left in October to force someone else to work out.  So even if it's not one of the three video workouts... even if it's just telling someone:  "Go for a walk or run or whatever you want to do... just work out!" and they actually do it, then you will earn a point!

Also, no one from the Johnsons has told me how they'd spend the cold, hard, delicious $100 cash that they will get upon winning the Golden Sneakers challenge.  You don't even have to post to the blog, just take 30 seconds to respond to this email and I'll post it for you. 

C'mon, get a fire under your arses, become less lazy, become more healthy... and earn some stinkin' points!

Dad's Post

You guys have to watch Sharon's videos. They are really clever and I'm doing the plates right now. Do one of these exersize workouts tonight or tomorrow! There, I've nagged all of you.
Love - Dad

Sunday, October 23, 2011

One Week Left - Get Going!

Well, if you read Keith's latest report, you'll see how we each earned one point so far with this challenge.  I plan on earning more this week by making him do the other two.  They're so quick and easy, people!  C'mon you gotta try at least one of them out.  The paper plate one is so simple yet surprisingly effective and the one I can see most of you doing.  By the way, I didn't show it on the video but the sliding push-ups can be done on the wall, so you don't even have to get down on the ground!  And also, I'm finding that 30 seconds is plenty on the unilateral exercises.  So on any of them, switch sides at 30 seconds and you'll have worked both sides in 1 minute.  Make sense?

Don't forget: you have this week to tell us how you would spend your $100, if you were to win the Golden Sneaker Challenge.  Easy, easy point.  Go fantasy shopping... it's almost as fun as the real thing!

Monday, October 17, 2011

The Complete Workouts, Including Videos!

These workouts are all easily adaptable and should be do-able by all of us regardless of our fitness/injury/bodily issue status.  In the videos, I tried to show a lower- and higher-intense option... and, of course, if something hurts or doesn't feel right, don't do it!

Now, get busy and make someone else work out!

Workout #1 – Paper Plates (everyone has these in the house, right?)

  • 1 minute alternating sliding reverse lunges (start shallow and go deeper as knee health and/or fitness level allow).
  • 1 minute alternating sliding forward lunges.
  • 1 minute speed skaters.
  • 1 minute sliding push-ups (regular, knee, or wall; start shallow and go deeper as shoulder/wrist health and/or fitness level allow).
  • 1 minute running man.
  • Repeat as necessary for optimal torture level.

Workout #2 – Resistance Band or Tube (if you don’t have one you should get one)

  • 1 minute squat & row
  • 1 minute wall band push-ups
  • 1 minute side-to-side band X
  • 1 minute other side-to-side band X
  • 1 minute static lunge and curl
  • 1 minute static lunge and curl, switch feet
  • Repeat as necessary for optimal torture level

Workout #3 – Dumbbells 

  • narrow squat and press
  • Triceps dip and kick
  • Lunge and curl
  • DB halo
  • Sumo squat and swing
  • Repeat

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

October Workout Challenge

You know how fun it is to tell other people what to do?  Well, this month you get points for being bossy!

I don’t know about you, but sometimes I get tired of ordering myself around.  Especially because I’m a lousy listener.  So it’s your challenge to order someone else around and make them exercise.  They still may be a lousy listener, but it’ll give you a break from annoying yourself!

There are 3 possible workouts to choose from and each time you force someone else to do one of them, you get a point!

So, torture your spouse, your child, your parent, your brother or sister, roommate or friend… a complete random stranger on the street…

Of course I’m hoping/thinking the person you choose to torture will appropriately seek revenge and likewise torture you back!

Workout #1 – Paper Plates (everyone has these in the house, right?)

  • 1 minute alternating sliding reverse lunges (start shallow and go deeper as knee health and/or fitness level allow).
  • 1 minute alternating sliding forward lunges.
  • 1 minute speed skaters.
  • 1 minute sliding push-ups (regular, knee, or wall; start shallow and go deeper as shoulder/wrist health and/or fitness level allow).
  • 1 minute running man.
  • Repeat as necessary for optimal torture level.

Workout #2 – Resistance Band or Tube (if you don’t have one you should get one)

  • 1 minute squat & row
  • 1 minute wall band push-ups
  • 1 minute side-to-side band X
  • 1 minute other side-to-side band X
  • 1 minute static lunge and curl
  • 1 minute static lunge and curl, switch feet
  • Repeat as necessary for optimal torture level

Workout #3 – Dumbbells or Medicine Ball

  • Coming soon!

In writing these up, I see that I’m going to need to include demonstration videos.  The exercises are simple, but you might not get what they are from the name.

So, give me one day and I’ll have videos of 3 workouts you can choose from.  But this will give you an idea so you can start planning your attack!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Mama needs a new pair of shoes!

Of course my $100 would be used to buy me some shoes.  Of course.  Probably some runners.  Or maybe a TRX Suspension Trainer.  Keith has rigged up a chain version in our garage but it has some limitations.  Or perhaps a Ugi Fitness Ball

Or maybe, just maybe, a spa massage treatment!

The rest of the October Challenge will be posted tomorrow! Stay tuned!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Sharon's September wrap-up... and October Challenge!

Well, I once again thank several of you for reporting and motivating me that last week of September.  I needed it and it made the last 3 days of the month quite active for me.  In my opinion, you definitely earned and deserved your points.  Unfortunately, over the weekend I got into a slump yet again!  Which is why I'm excited for this next challenge. 

I think it will be fun and motivating in a different kind of way... but you have to wait for it!  I'm just putting the last details into it and it'll be ready in the next day or two.

So while you're anticipating the next challenge, I issue a call to action:

There are 3 (three) (tres) (free...ebonics, yo) months left in 2011.  I'm sensing a bit of lethargy in some of your commitment to improving your health and happiness.  I feel that even those of you who have been plugging along could use a good boost right about now to finish the year strong.  Heck, my own enthusiasm and participation have been a bit spotty, so I've admittedly not been the best example.

But the point is, I do feel that I thought more and actually did more than I have in the past to focus on and improve my health and happiness this year.  And I want to finish this year with a bang so that I just cruise right in to the next without slowing down!

Everyone join me!  If you aren't working toward your goals, start today!  Do a Random Act of Fitness that I'm always blogging about!  Repeat one of the monthly challenges or do one that you didn't get around to before.  You won't earn the point toward the "Not-So-Dumbbell" prize, but it could get you closer to winning the "Golden Sneaker" award.  Which brings up the point:  Have you forgotten, THERE'S MONEY TO BE WON HERE, PEOPLE!!!  There is cold, hard cash sitting in my safe just waiting to be tucked away into your wallet.

In fact, I've just been inspired to issue the first challenge of October:

Look over at the amount in the cash pot and tell me what you would do with that money if you won the 2011 "Golden Sneaker" award.  You will earn 1(one) (uno) (oh... never mind) point if you send your answer to me via email or blog post/comment.  Put a little thought into it and send in your answer before Oct. 31!

Saturday, October 1, 2011


I did it.  I did a real workout today!  I headed to the garage and did the elliptical combined with some heavy bag and it felt AWESOME! 

You guys seriously, truly helped me out and I thank you.  Between my Random Acts of Fitness and good workout today, I had three good active days in a row and I think I'm back on track.

And I never did officially report on the fruit/veggie challenge.  I counted about 6 days that I hit the recommended 7 servings of fruits/veggies.  I really seem to be stuck at about 6 daily servings.  I think this challenge did indeed qualify as challenging.  Not many of you reported hitting the 7 serving mark, but I hope it got you thinking about it and adding at least a few more servings than you usually do.  This is one to definitely keep working on.