Sunday, February 19, 2012

Pick A Goal, Any Goal

Did I mention that if you submit your goal choice(s) to me by February 29, you will earn a point. If you don't, not only do you miss your point, but you have to endure my constant nagging.

So, for those that need a little prompting in the goal department, here are a few suggestions. You must pick 2 from the following list in order to participate in the Golden Sneaker Challenge:
  • Exercise AT LEAST 12 times each month.
  • Train to walk or run a 5K (3.1 mile) fun “run.” Or a sprint triathlon. Or a half marathon. Or a marathon. You get the idea.
  • Spend at least four (4) hours a week outdoors, no matter what the weather.
  • Each month try a new, healthy recipe or find ways to adapt a favorite recipe to make it healthier.
  • Only eat between meals if I include a fruit or vegetable in the snack.
  • Avoid eating after 9 p.m. (or whatever time makes sense for you).
  • Walk 10,000 steps a day.
  • Join and participate in a sports program.
  • Stretch and do deep breathing exercises AT LEAST 12 times each month.
  • Have veggies take up more room on your plate than grains or proteins do for every dinner.
  • Eat a salad every day.
You can find two from that list, right? Sure you can! So, remember, you can, A. Pick one main fitness goal on your own, 2. Make a healthy bucket list with 3 goals you will work on this year, or III. Choose 2 goals from the above list.

OR, you can choose any combination of the 3 choices. You just have to pick AT LEAST one (1).

Use this long weekend to ponder and ruminate and get it in to me by the end of the month!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Not-So-New Year's Resolutions

Goal.  Ambition.  Mission.  Intention.  Objective.  However you want to refer to it; it’s time to formalize it.  I know we’ve all heard this sentiment before:

A goal is nothing but a wish until we write it down and create a plan of action.
Many of you expressed that, while you  probably would like to set your own main goal, a few suggested sub-goals would also be appreciated.  This this year, it’s all about choices.  In order to participate in the 2012 Golden Sneaker Challenge, you must:

Choose at least 1 of the following:

1.        Create your own health-related goal.

2.       Create a “healthy bucket list,” which includes 3 (no more, no less) things you plan on accomplishing this year that will help you make it healthier.

3.       Choose at least 2 goals from the provided list to work on this year. (Will be included in tomorrow’s blog post).

I, personally, plan on doing all 3.  Because I am just that unstoppable.  I will include my goals because all participants must do so and this will also give you an example to follow, if needed:

1.        (My main goal just happens to be weight-loss-oriented this year) Lose and maintain 10 pounds – or 2 clothing sizes – whichever makes me feel my best.

2.       A. Learn to play chess (mental health, yo.) B. Try at least 3 new types of workouts/exercises this year.  (I already know I want to try spinning, paddleboarding and TRX training… maybe more!)  C. Read the Book of Mormon by June (good way to improve spiritual health while answering a challenge from our Stake President).

3.       A.  Exercise at least 12 times each month (Of course I plan on more, but this is the absolute, bare-bones minimum that I will MAKE SURE I do each month!)  B.  Stop eating after 9 p.m.

Next blog post, TOMORROW (so check back), will be a list of suggested goals for those of you who select #3.  So get going, start thinking of your plan of attack.  I will be nagging you to submit something by the last day of February.  Hey, you even get an extra day this year!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Self Love

On this Valentine's day, I just want to say: I LOVE MY FAMILY!

And on this debut blog post of our 2012 Golden Sneaker Challenge, I just want to say: Let's all love ourselves enough to make this year a little (or a lot) healthier than last year.

This will mean something different for every person. This doesn't require perfection or an all-or-nothing approach. But it will require some effort, some commitment, some dedication and, most likely, some sacrifices.

But isn't it worth it for your happiness? For your family's happiness?

You bet your bippy!

So, this is a call to action to participate in the 2012 Golden Sneaker Challenge! It's ultimately up to YOU to get out of life what you want, but with this challenge, you also have the loving support and motivation of a pretty awesome family to do some pretty awesome things this year.

I embrace all of you and welcome all of you to jump into the challenge! The whole-hoggers and wishy-washers alike! The late-bloomers and early wilters too! Let's all just DO something - anything - this year and be pleased because it was at least healthier than the last.

First Challenge: Worth 1 point, even - I'm starting off really easy! Read this email/blog post and reply (you don't even have to go to the blog, you can just reply to this in your email) with your name that is to be included on the updated 2010 Golden Sneaker list.

Next email/blog post: February 17, so check back