I pulled out the Hula Hoop today and did some backwards and on top of the Bosu! Then Regan has this toy called the Busy Bee Hopper. It circles a rod around its base and you are expected to jump over it as it rotates around. Yep, I did it with the girls.
Thank goodness for little kids! They keep me RAF-ing regularly!
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Random Act of Kindness
One of my latest RAKs: I cleaned up some kid's hot chocolate spill at the school's holiday party. I just happened to be right there when it happened and decided to be the one to run to the bathroom to grab some towels before the mess got out of hand. I figure it could've just as easily been one of my kids doing the spilling!
This qualifies, right? What are you guys doing? Keep track and earn lots of points!
This qualifies, right? What are you guys doing? Keep track and earn lots of points!
Sunday, December 11, 2011
December Challenge
This month is way to hectic to do our voting for the winner, right? We will do that in January when things calm down.
Instead, I am issuing a standard monthly challenge to get us through the holidays more healthily and to give you one more chance to rack up more points for the "Not-So-Dumbbell" award. So far I'm a shoe-in for the prize (remember, it's $25 iTunes giftcard or exercise DVD of your choice), but that could change this month!
Random Acts of Fitness and Kindness
You earn one (1) point for each Act that you do.
Examples of RAFs:
(You can read my blog http://www.lazytrainer.blogspot.com/ for some ideas.)
- 100 body squats throughout the day. (Break into sets of 20 or so)
- 100 pushups...
- 5 minutes of hula hooping.
- Add 10 more trips up your staircase than you normally do during the day.
- Jumping jacks or crunches or lunges or marching in place, or all of these... during commercial breaks.
- Let someone merge into traffic.
- Compliment somebody.
- Send someone a note in the mail.
- Pick up some litter that isn't yours.
- Deliver a little gift anonymously to a neighbor.
It's a busy time of year, so sometimes things just have to be fit in quickly and randomly, but let's not completely abandon our good deeds - fitness and otherwise! - in the rush and stress of the season.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
November Report
OK. Report in, everyone! I only scored 2 points for my stretching. My excuse is that they are such good stretches that they benefit me for many days, so, even though I encourage daily stretching, just getting it in when you can will be beneficial, as well.
I also scored a point for doing something active with the family over the Thanksgiving holiday. And we actually did more than one thing, didn't we? Thanksgiving day we hiked to some Indian petroglyphs (sp?) and on Saturday we participated in the Johnson Golden Sneaker Challenge (pictures will be coming soon!).
So, three points for me in November. How many for you?!?
I also scored a point for doing something active with the family over the Thanksgiving holiday. And we actually did more than one thing, didn't we? Thanksgiving day we hiked to some Indian petroglyphs (sp?) and on Saturday we participated in the Johnson Golden Sneaker Challenge (pictures will be coming soon!).
So, three points for me in November. How many for you?!?
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Bonus Challenge

Go for a walk, play some football, do a Wii dance competition... whatever it takes to get you moving as a family.
I'm making it real easy for you Johnsons this year. It'll be a no-brainer with our Golden Sneaker Challenge. So, no wimping out! Galbraiths, you're on your own, but I'm sure you'll figure something out!
Anyway, don't just gobble, gobble this weekend... get moving and earn your extra point!
Celestial Stretching
Anyone stretching out there? I've only taken the time to do it once so far (after I tell everyone how easy it is to fit in even several times a day! Sigh.) But, even doing it that once has benefitted me for days. Sometimes my neck starts to get so stiff, that I fear another "neck episode," but these stretches really help loosen it back up!
And I know that my Mom is! She said she was working in the Celestial Room the other day at the temple and was alone for a time and decided it was a great time to do the neck stretch. She was kinda worried that it might be inappropriate, but I think it's a prime spot to do it, especially the "thankfulness" part of the challenge.
And the thing I focused on during my little stretch the other day was how thankful I was for my family. I know it's a little routine to declare gratitude on that topic, but it is one of my greatest blessings, so I take every opportunity I can to make sure that Heavenly Father has no doubt how grateful I am for my wonderful, incredible, awesome family.
Happy Thanksgiving!
And I know that my Mom is! She said she was working in the Celestial Room the other day at the temple and was alone for a time and decided it was a great time to do the neck stretch. She was kinda worried that it might be inappropriate, but I think it's a prime spot to do it, especially the "thankfulness" part of the challenge.
And the thing I focused on during my little stretch the other day was how thankful I was for my family. I know it's a little routine to declare gratitude on that topic, but it is one of my greatest blessings, so I take every opportunity I can to make sure that Heavenly Father has no doubt how grateful I am for my wonderful, incredible, awesome family.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Thursday, November 17, 2011
I'm Thankful for November's Challenge
We’ve been working all year to try to combat our hard-heartedness with exercise and now let’s focus on improving our stiff-neckedness with stretching!
That’s the challenge but you don’t have to have a perfect performance to benefit. You earn 1 point for every day that you do both stretches at least one time. I recommend doing these stretches 2-3 times a day, but you’ll get the point for doing them at least once. Sorry, no points for the extra effort, just the added health benefits!
Appropriate for Thanksgiving, right?! Plus, it’ll help us all manage the upcoming stress of Christmas, I hope!
It became evident from talking with several of you this summer that most of us have tight and painful neck issues. I think poor stress-management runs rampant in our family! So this challenge is designed to help with the emotional/spiritual side of reducing stress while dealing with the physical ramifications of such strain.
November Challenge:Do the following neck stretch and chest stretch at least 1x/ day till the end of the month.
Start by aiming your nose toward your arm pit like you're trying to smell it. I am quoting the physical therapist's very instructions to me. He says with that descrption, it'll be memorable. |
Keeping ear close to shoulder, start to turn head to look away.... |
Keep looking away from your smelly arm pit until you're looking forward with your ear still close to your shoulder. Repeat on the other side. And try not to look as grumpy as I do. |
Find a doorway or a corner and stretch away. Hold for 10-20 seconds. And breathe. |
That’s the challenge but you don’t have to have a perfect performance to benefit. You earn 1 point for every day that you do both stretches at least one time. I recommend doing these stretches 2-3 times a day, but you’ll get the point for doing them at least once. Sorry, no points for the extra effort, just the added health benefits!
Plan ahead and pick a time when you’ll do it. For example, when you take your lunch break, plan on taking a few minutes to do the stretches. Or, first thing in the morning after you potty. Or at night after you brush your teeth… Set a timer or alarm if you need to, in order to remind yourself.
Okay, now the mental/spiritual side. While your stretching for a few minutes, do a little mini-meditation/prayer and think about what you have to be thankful for in your life. Think about a few of your blessings and even take a moment to thank Heavenly Father for those blessings. Lay aside any stressful thoughts for those few moments and get your Zen on! Appropriate for Thanksgiving, right?! Plus, it’ll help us all manage the upcoming stress of Christmas, I hope!
Saturday, November 12, 2011
1st Annual Johnson Family Golden Sneaker Challenge
This will be a Thanksgiving to remember, I predict! We’ve got hiking and the Johnson Family 1st Annual Golden Sneaker Challenge (and probably some power shopping) on the agenda!
So this is the challenge this month: to participate in the Johnson Family Golden Sneaker Challenge (Galbraiths will have to participate vicariously). More details to come!
Yes, we are going to enjoy the typical Thanksgiving traditions but it’s time we added a few more… like our family’s own Turkey Trot, the Pumpkin Relay, the Wild Gobbler Chase… just to name a few. These will be fun activities for all ages, shapes and sizes.
The best thing about it is all participants can/will earn points toward the “Not-So-Dumbbell” Award. (I just might need to make myself exempt on that one since I’m blowing you all away quite handily.) So that will mean something to you who want to win that prize. Also, the kids will be able to earn their Silver Whistles!So this is the challenge this month: to participate in the Johnson Family Golden Sneaker Challenge (Galbraiths will have to participate vicariously). More details to come!
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Ms. Bossy Pants
Keith and I each earned one more point by doing the paper plate workout. I have to say that my bossy trainer mode has, indeed, kicked in this last month. Two weeks ago I started a weekly boot camp at the park with some gals from the ward and I've also been meeting up with a friend - and former client - once a week who has been wanting to start exercising again.
For me, it's almost impossible to promote health and fitness to others without it benefitting myself as well. It's like I don't want to be left out of the fun! Because fitness IS fun, people!!!
For me, it's almost impossible to promote health and fitness to others without it benefitting myself as well. It's like I don't want to be left out of the fun! Because fitness IS fun, people!!!
Friday, October 28, 2011
Dirty paper plates just made my day!
We were just over to Mom and Dad's tonight and I saw the evidence to back up Dad's workout claims: dirty paper plates in the office! I'm very impressed! What a good sport for trying it! You definitely get a point for your efforts and for nagging the rest of us, Dad!
Keith and I also trained each other on the paper plate workout the other day, earning us another point each. I think he forgot just how effective those little sliders can be!
Okay, in a last-ditch effort to help you guys earn your points, you still have a few days left in October to force someone else to work out. So even if it's not one of the three video workouts... even if it's just telling someone: "Go for a walk or run or whatever you want to do... just work out!" and they actually do it, then you will earn a point!
Also, no one from the Johnsons has told me how they'd spend the cold, hard, delicious $100 cash that they will get upon winning the Golden Sneakers challenge. You don't even have to post to the blog, just take 30 seconds to respond to this email and I'll post it for you.
C'mon, get a fire under your arses, become less lazy, become more healthy... and earn some stinkin' points!
Keith and I also trained each other on the paper plate workout the other day, earning us another point each. I think he forgot just how effective those little sliders can be!
Okay, in a last-ditch effort to help you guys earn your points, you still have a few days left in October to force someone else to work out. So even if it's not one of the three video workouts... even if it's just telling someone: "Go for a walk or run or whatever you want to do... just work out!" and they actually do it, then you will earn a point!
Also, no one from the Johnsons has told me how they'd spend the cold, hard, delicious $100 cash that they will get upon winning the Golden Sneakers challenge. You don't even have to post to the blog, just take 30 seconds to respond to this email and I'll post it for you.
C'mon, get a fire under your arses, become less lazy, become more healthy... and earn some stinkin' points!
Dad's Post
You guys have to watch Sharon's videos. They are really clever and I'm doing the plates right now. Do one of these exersize workouts tonight or tomorrow! There, I've nagged all of you.
Love - Dad
Sunday, October 23, 2011
One Week Left - Get Going!
Well, if you read Keith's latest report, you'll see how we each earned one point so far with this challenge. I plan on earning more this week by making him do the other two. They're so quick and easy, people! C'mon you gotta try at least one of them out. The paper plate one is so simple yet surprisingly effective and the one I can see most of you doing. By the way, I didn't show it on the video but the sliding push-ups can be done on the wall, so you don't even have to get down on the ground! And also, I'm finding that 30 seconds is plenty on the unilateral exercises. So on any of them, switch sides at 30 seconds and you'll have worked both sides in 1 minute. Make sense?
Don't forget: you have this week to tell us how you would spend your $100, if you were to win the Golden Sneaker Challenge. Easy, easy point. Go fantasy shopping... it's almost as fun as the real thing!
Don't forget: you have this week to tell us how you would spend your $100, if you were to win the Golden Sneaker Challenge. Easy, easy point. Go fantasy shopping... it's almost as fun as the real thing!
Monday, October 17, 2011
The Complete Workouts, Including Videos!
These workouts are all easily adaptable and should be do-able by all of us regardless of our fitness/injury/bodily issue status. In the videos, I tried to show a lower- and higher-intense option... and, of course, if something hurts or doesn't feel right, don't do it!
Now, get busy and make someone else work out!
Workout #1 – Paper Plates (everyone has these in the house, right?)
- 1 minute alternating sliding reverse lunges (start shallow and go deeper as knee health and/or fitness level allow).
- 1 minute alternating sliding forward lunges.
- 1 minute speed skaters.
- 1 minute sliding push-ups (regular, knee, or wall; start shallow and go deeper as shoulder/wrist health and/or fitness level allow).
- 1 minute running man.
- Repeat as necessary for optimal torture level.
Workout #2 – Resistance Band or Tube (if you don’t have one you should get one)
- 1 minute squat & row
- 1 minute wall band push-ups
- 1 minute side-to-side band X
- 1 minute other side-to-side band X
- 1 minute static lunge and curl
- 1 minute static lunge and curl, switch feet
- Repeat as necessary for optimal torture level
Workout #3 – Dumbbells
- narrow squat and press
- Triceps dip and kick
- Lunge and curl
- DB halo
- Sumo squat and swing
- Repeat
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
October Workout Challenge
You know how fun it is to tell other people what to do? Well, this month you get points for being bossy!
I don’t know about you, but sometimes I get tired of ordering myself around. Especially because I’m a lousy listener. So it’s your challenge to order someone else around and make them exercise. They still may be a lousy listener, but it’ll give you a break from annoying yourself!
There are 3 possible workouts to choose from and each time you force someone else to do one of them, you get a point!
So, torture your spouse, your child, your parent, your brother or sister, roommate or friend… a complete random stranger on the street…
Of course I’m hoping/thinking the person you choose to torture will appropriately seek revenge and likewise torture you back!
Workout #1 – Paper Plates (everyone has these in the house, right?)
- 1 minute alternating sliding reverse lunges (start shallow and go deeper as knee health and/or fitness level allow).
- 1 minute alternating sliding forward lunges.
- 1 minute speed skaters.
- 1 minute sliding push-ups (regular, knee, or wall; start shallow and go deeper as shoulder/wrist health and/or fitness level allow).
- 1 minute running man.
- Repeat as necessary for optimal torture level.
Workout #2 – Resistance Band or Tube (if you don’t have one you should get one)
- 1 minute squat & row
- 1 minute wall band push-ups
- 1 minute side-to-side band X
- 1 minute other side-to-side band X
- 1 minute static lunge and curl
- 1 minute static lunge and curl, switch feet
- Repeat as necessary for optimal torture level
Workout #3 – Dumbbells or Medicine Ball
- Coming soon!
In writing these up, I see that I’m going to need to include demonstration videos. The exercises are simple, but you might not get what they are from the name.
Monday, October 10, 2011
Mama needs a new pair of shoes!
Of course my $100 would be used to buy me some shoes. Of course. Probably some runners. Or maybe a TRX Suspension Trainer. Keith has rigged up a chain version in our garage but it has some limitations. Or perhaps a Ugi Fitness Ball.
Or maybe, just maybe, a spa massage treatment!
The rest of the October Challenge will be posted tomorrow! Stay tuned!
Or maybe, just maybe, a spa massage treatment!
The rest of the October Challenge will be posted tomorrow! Stay tuned!
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Sharon's September wrap-up... and October Challenge!
Well, I once again thank several of you for reporting and motivating me that last week of September. I needed it and it made the last 3 days of the month quite active for me. In my opinion, you definitely earned and deserved your points. Unfortunately, over the weekend I got into a slump yet again! Which is why I'm excited for this next challenge.
I think it will be fun and motivating in a different kind of way... but you have to wait for it! I'm just putting the last details into it and it'll be ready in the next day or two.
So while you're anticipating the next challenge, I issue a call to action:
There are 3 (three) (tres) (free...ebonics, yo) months left in 2011. I'm sensing a bit of lethargy in some of your commitment to improving your health and happiness. I feel that even those of you who have been plugging along could use a good boost right about now to finish the year strong. Heck, my own enthusiasm and participation have been a bit spotty, so I've admittedly not been the best example.
But the point is, I do feel that I thought more and actually did more than I have in the past to focus on and improve my health and happiness this year. And I want to finish this year with a bang so that I just cruise right in to the next without slowing down!
Everyone join me! If you aren't working toward your goals, start today! Do a Random Act of Fitness that I'm always blogging about! Repeat one of the monthly challenges or do one that you didn't get around to before. You won't earn the point toward the "Not-So-Dumbbell" prize, but it could get you closer to winning the "Golden Sneaker" award. Which brings up the point: Have you forgotten, THERE'S MONEY TO BE WON HERE, PEOPLE!!! There is cold, hard cash sitting in my safe just waiting to be tucked away into your wallet.
In fact, I've just been inspired to issue the first challenge of October:
Look over at the amount in the cash pot and tell me what you would do with that money if you won the 2011 "Golden Sneaker" award. You will earn 1(one) (uno) (oh... never mind) point if you send your answer to me via email or blog post/comment. Put a little thought into it and send in your answer before Oct. 31!
I think it will be fun and motivating in a different kind of way... but you have to wait for it! I'm just putting the last details into it and it'll be ready in the next day or two.
So while you're anticipating the next challenge, I issue a call to action:
There are 3 (three) (tres) (free...ebonics, yo) months left in 2011. I'm sensing a bit of lethargy in some of your commitment to improving your health and happiness. I feel that even those of you who have been plugging along could use a good boost right about now to finish the year strong. Heck, my own enthusiasm and participation have been a bit spotty, so I've admittedly not been the best example.
But the point is, I do feel that I thought more and actually did more than I have in the past to focus on and improve my health and happiness this year. And I want to finish this year with a bang so that I just cruise right in to the next without slowing down!
Everyone join me! If you aren't working toward your goals, start today! Do a Random Act of Fitness that I'm always blogging about! Repeat one of the monthly challenges or do one that you didn't get around to before. You won't earn the point toward the "Not-So-Dumbbell" prize, but it could get you closer to winning the "Golden Sneaker" award. Which brings up the point: Have you forgotten, THERE'S MONEY TO BE WON HERE, PEOPLE!!! There is cold, hard cash sitting in my safe just waiting to be tucked away into your wallet.
In fact, I've just been inspired to issue the first challenge of October:
Look over at the amount in the cash pot and tell me what you would do with that money if you won the 2011 "Golden Sneaker" award. You will earn 1(one) (uno) (oh... never mind) point if you send your answer to me via email or blog post/comment. Put a little thought into it and send in your answer before Oct. 31!
Saturday, October 1, 2011
I did it. I did a real workout today! I headed to the garage and did the elliptical combined with some heavy bag and it felt AWESOME!
You guys seriously, truly helped me out and I thank you. Between my Random Acts of Fitness and good workout today, I had three good active days in a row and I think I'm back on track.
And I never did officially report on the fruit/veggie challenge. I counted about 6 days that I hit the recommended 7 servings of fruits/veggies. I really seem to be stuck at about 6 daily servings. I think this challenge did indeed qualify as challenging. Not many of you reported hitting the 7 serving mark, but I hope it got you thinking about it and adding at least a few more servings than you usually do. This is one to definitely keep working on.
You guys seriously, truly helped me out and I thank you. Between my Random Acts of Fitness and good workout today, I had three good active days in a row and I think I'm back on track.
And I never did officially report on the fruit/veggie challenge. I counted about 6 days that I hit the recommended 7 servings of fruits/veggies. I really seem to be stuck at about 6 daily servings. I think this challenge did indeed qualify as challenging. Not many of you reported hitting the 7 serving mark, but I hope it got you thinking about it and adding at least a few more servings than you usually do. This is one to definitely keep working on.
Friday, September 30, 2011
100 Pushups Today!
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Kirk and Bryce should be doing some of these about now, huh? |
Thank you to my sister, Jenny and my sisters-in-law, Marie and Rebecca for reporting your activities. So far everyone's contributions have helped me get in some great RAFs - today I did 100 pushups! I still haven't gotten in a formal workout (what is WITH me lately!?) but I've got one more day to get that accomplished.
Who else can inspire me?! I still need it!
Some of you have apologized that your workouts aren't all that interesting, but, who cares?! You're doing them, aren'tcha? So, good job!
Besides, I have a fun little challenge in mind for October that should help spice things up on that front. Ooooo, the anticipation!
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
100 Lunges Today!
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Lunges keep me and Spidey in tip-top shape. We could be twins... except I'm not such a leotard fan. |
Okay, Mom and Dad Johnson and Mom Taylor reported in some of their workouts lately. Thank you so much. You seriously inspired me to get in a few Random Acts of Fitness today. I did a total of 100 lunges by breaking them into 5 sets of 20 repetitions throughout the course of the day. I did a mixture of front and back lunges and, sadly, I'll probably be sore. A month ago that wouldn't have even phased me!
I'm positive this will lead me into my full-blown "real" workout tomorrow. I'll let you know.
Thanks for the help, but I still need more inspiration from the rest of you!
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Last-Minute September Challenge
Hey, if it weren't for the last minute, nothing would get done, right?!
Okay, we've got 4 days to get this one done and it's all about ME. Well, and it benefits all of you as well.
Since accomplishing my amazing feat of running a half marathon (thankyouverymuch), I haven't done a thing except eat. (To my credit, there have been some fruits and veggies involved in that eating). Not a single workout to be had, though. It's my goal to get at least ONE (and hopefully more!) workout in before Sept. 30, 11:59 pm.
Please join me and report about it. I need your inspiration and motivation!!!
If you have been exercising, then this should be no problem for you, just email or leave a blog comment about what you've done and you'll get a point! Easy peasy! If, like me, your workouts have been struggling, let's do something these next few days. Head out for a walk, hop on the bike, tread or elliptical, pump some iron. It doesn't have to be anything killer, but it does have to get your heart pumping!
Let's do this, family and friends!!! Please help me!!!
Combat your inner couch potato and Overcome Lazy this week!!!
For this challenge, I need your help!
Okay, we've got 4 days to get this one done and it's all about ME. Well, and it benefits all of you as well.
Since accomplishing my amazing feat of running a half marathon (thankyouverymuch), I haven't done a thing except eat. (To my credit, there have been some fruits and veggies involved in that eating). Not a single workout to be had, though. It's my goal to get at least ONE (and hopefully more!) workout in before Sept. 30, 11:59 pm.
Please join me and report about it. I need your inspiration and motivation!!!
If you have been exercising, then this should be no problem for you, just email or leave a blog comment about what you've done and you'll get a point! Easy peasy! If, like me, your workouts have been struggling, let's do something these next few days. Head out for a walk, hop on the bike, tread or elliptical, pump some iron. It doesn't have to be anything killer, but it does have to get your heart pumping!
Let's do this, family and friends!!! Please help me!!!
Combat your inner couch potato and Overcome Lazy this week!!!
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Some Veggie/Fruit Pointers
As I've been recording my fruit servings, I actually looked up the info on how much a serving is to make sure I was being accurate. A serving is generally measured as 1/2 cup. So, sliced/chopped or small fruit/veggies that are about that amount will be a serving. Also, don't forget that means that 1/2 cup salsa and tomato sauce, apple sauce, etc. are a serving. So there's all kinds of ways to get the fruits and veggies in.
By the way, I thought I'd be cruising through this challenge - getting a point every day, easily - but apparently I've only been getting about 6 servings regularly. So this challenge has made me more aware of my intake and I find I'm having to work at getting a few more to start earning my points! But it's easy enough to do, it just takes a little more thinking on my part.
Click HERE to see one of my all-time favorite ways to incorporate vegetables into our diet.
And here are some more guidelines to help you:
1 Serving of Fruit
By the way, I thought I'd be cruising through this challenge - getting a point every day, easily - but apparently I've only been getting about 6 servings regularly. So this challenge has made me more aware of my intake and I find I'm having to work at getting a few more to start earning my points! But it's easy enough to do, it just takes a little more thinking on my part.
Click HERE to see one of my all-time favorite ways to incorporate vegetables into our diet.
And here are some more guidelines to help you:
1 Serving of Fruit
- one banana
- six strawberries
- two plums
- fifteen grapes
- one apple
- one peach
- one-half cup of orange or other fruit juice
1 Serving of Vegetables
- five broccoli florets
- ten baby carrots
- one roma tomato
- 3/4 cup tomato juice
- half of a baked sweet potato
- one ear of corn
- four slices of an onion
Sunday, August 14, 2011
August Challenge (It Involves Eating!)
Wow, is it already mid-August?!?! This gives us 2.5 weeks to accomplish something healthy this month. I realize that schedules and motivations are all over the place this time of year with summer wrap-up activities and school year preparations. So, let's keep things simple.
If any of you out there are like me, you find yourself falling victim to stress-eating. My snacking and portion sizes are out of control lately! So I thought we could all benefit from a nutritional challenge.
We'll worry about making sure our workout routines are on track next month once we settle into our fall schedules. But for now, let's finish the month eathing healthily and taking advantage of summer's fruit and vegetable bounty.
Eat the 7 daily recommended servings of fruits and vegetables.
Point Value: Varies. One point for each day that you accomplish this.
This is an easy way to rack up some major points! Some of you may already be accomplishing this, so your goal is to keep track and keep it up!
I'm going to email y'all with a simple chart you can print off to easily track your progress and at the end of the month, you can add up the amount of days you reached this goal and report in.
I personally plan on not only incorporating both fruits and veggies into each meal but also not allowing myself to eat a meal or snack without first eating a fruit/veggie serving. I'm stocking up on apples, baby carrots, small cans of V8 juice and making sure I've got plenty of cut-up green peppers, watermelon and cantaloupe handy while they're still in season. I also try to keep plenty of canned fruit in my pantry for times that I don't have anything fresh on hand. I love canned pears and mandarin oranges in particular.
Eating more fruits and vegetables helps you improve the vitamins and nutrients of your diet, increases your intake of fiber and helps tame your hunger for fewer calories.
So print out your charts, keep a tally, and rack up the points this month!
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Awww, they're so cute you could just eat 'em up! |
If any of you out there are like me, you find yourself falling victim to stress-eating. My snacking and portion sizes are out of control lately! So I thought we could all benefit from a nutritional challenge.
We'll worry about making sure our workout routines are on track next month once we settle into our fall schedules. But for now, let's finish the month eathing healthily and taking advantage of summer's fruit and vegetable bounty.
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Fresh, frozen, even canned... it's all good! |
August Challenge:
Eat the 7 daily recommended servings of fruits and vegetables.
Point Value: Varies. One point for each day that you accomplish this.
This is an easy way to rack up some major points! Some of you may already be accomplishing this, so your goal is to keep track and keep it up!
I'm going to email y'all with a simple chart you can print off to easily track your progress and at the end of the month, you can add up the amount of days you reached this goal and report in.
I personally plan on not only incorporating both fruits and veggies into each meal but also not allowing myself to eat a meal or snack without first eating a fruit/veggie serving. I'm stocking up on apples, baby carrots, small cans of V8 juice and making sure I've got plenty of cut-up green peppers, watermelon and cantaloupe handy while they're still in season. I also try to keep plenty of canned fruit in my pantry for times that I don't have anything fresh on hand. I love canned pears and mandarin oranges in particular.
Eating more fruits and vegetables helps you improve the vitamins and nutrients of your diet, increases your intake of fiber and helps tame your hunger for fewer calories.
So print out your charts, keep a tally, and rack up the points this month!
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Sharon - you will be pleased to know that I signed myself, Renae, Chrystie, Steph and Gabe up for a weigh-off contest through work called The-America-West-Matchup. We can win $10,000 for 1st place, $5,000 for 2nd and $3,000 for third.
Our Goal - "Increase output and decrease input until we reach our goal."
Our Motto - "We're on ... Like Donkey Kong!" in honor of our trainer Sharon. We all need to weigh in this week
I hope you don't mind I used your blog name "Golden Sneakers" as our team name.
We would sure appreciate reminders and encouragement from your blog every couple of days. You can earn your money as our trainer!
Thank you for your encouragement
Our Goal - "Increase output and decrease input until we reach our goal."
Our Motto - "We're on ... Like Donkey Kong!" in honor of our trainer Sharon. We all need to weigh in this week
I hope you don't mind I used your blog name "Golden Sneakers" as our team name.
We would sure appreciate reminders and encouragement from your blog every couple of days. You can earn your money as our trainer!
Thank you for your encouragement
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
My Nephew's Plank
Well, the planking craze is still going strong apparently (Did you watch the video yet? Pretty funny). My nephew, Asa, got on the bandwagon by doing one while waiting in line at a theme park. Very impressive, I must say! He's got abs (and a core) of steel!
This was the original pic posted on facebook. |
Here it is a little larger but blurrier. You can still tell he has perfect form! He's a fun/funny kid! |
Sunday, June 19, 2011
June Mid-month Challenge
I know you've all been waiting with bated breath and just been chomping at the bit to get at this month's challenge. In anticipation for this month's challenge, my niece, Ashlee shared this great clip on the planking craze that's been taking the world by storm. Uhhh... actually this is the first I heard about it. But it's funny stuff!
By the way, some of that planking is just laying face down and is not benefitting the core muscles at all! But this month's challenge is designed to do just that: work those "core" muscles! Planking is an excellent activity to enhance any abdominal exercises you probably are already doing in your fitness routine.
The core muscles basically include everything on your torso between your shoulders and hips including the front and back of your body. By strengthening this area, you keep yourself well-balanced and better prepared to tackle the challenges of exercising as well as your routine daily movements. Not to mention planking will work on toning and tightening your middle.
The main thing to remember with planking is, keep your tummy pulled-in and tight! See - now the importance of last month's challenge comes to light! And you want your body to make a straight line from your shoulders to your feet (or knees, depending on which version of the plank you're doing) just like a plank of wood.
So here's the challenge:
Point Value: 1
Do 2 sets of 10 repetitions (if movement is involved) or 2 sets of at least a 20-second hold of your plank exercise(s) of your choice... 3 x/week until the end of this month.
This challenge must be completed as stated above to earn the point!
A few notes about the demo video: If it doesn't work for you, tell me and I'll email you written instructions and pictures. Also, our microphone broke, so I couldn't talk you through any of the exercises. However, I think just by watching it, you'll catch on just fine.
By the way, some of that planking is just laying face down and is not benefitting the core muscles at all! But this month's challenge is designed to do just that: work those "core" muscles! Planking is an excellent activity to enhance any abdominal exercises you probably are already doing in your fitness routine.
The core muscles basically include everything on your torso between your shoulders and hips including the front and back of your body. By strengthening this area, you keep yourself well-balanced and better prepared to tackle the challenges of exercising as well as your routine daily movements. Not to mention planking will work on toning and tightening your middle.
The main thing to remember with planking is, keep your tummy pulled-in and tight! See - now the importance of last month's challenge comes to light! And you want your body to make a straight line from your shoulders to your feet (or knees, depending on which version of the plank you're doing) just like a plank of wood.
So here's the challenge:
Point Value: 1
Do 2 sets of 10 repetitions (if movement is involved) or 2 sets of at least a 20-second hold of your plank exercise(s) of your choice... 3 x/week until the end of this month.
This challenge must be completed as stated above to earn the point!
A few notes about the demo video: If it doesn't work for you, tell me and I'll email you written instructions and pictures. Also, our microphone broke, so I couldn't talk you through any of the exercises. However, I think just by watching it, you'll catch on just fine.
Monday, June 6, 2011
Report From The Next "Extreme Couponer"
Well, I did accomplish both challenges this month. I did plenty of gut-sucking. Easy challenge, huh? If you didn't do it... well, then, you're just plain lazy, aren't you?! Yeah, I said it! Did anyone besides me do it??? You have to report in or you don't get the point!
I also organized my couponing system and that has helped a lot with my weekly shopping. I'm not saving 98.3% on my grocery bill like those extreme couponing freaks just yet, but I feel that I'm saving the most I possibly can by having my coupons at the ready to pair them up with the stores' sales. Some weeks are better than others and this one was a good one because I saved about 45% on my groceries. Score!
I found a website couponing101.com that I like and followed her method of setting up a couponing system (I commandeered Keith's unused Franklin Planner binder so now I'm one of those zealots who roams the grocery aisles with her big black notebook stuffed with the weekly ads and dozens of coupons). I do have to dedicate some time each week to clipping and filing coupons and printing off the printable coupons. And making my shopping lists is a bit more strategic so it takes more thought than it used to, but, for us, it's been worth it so far. Sorry to blab, but just wanted to pass that along.
And I know I've made empty promises before, but I'm hoping to be sincere when I say this month's challenge will be coming this week... with a video! (That's always the hold-up).
So in the meantime, keep doing your ab bracing and be ready for.... some planking!
Deets to come soon.
I also organized my couponing system and that has helped a lot with my weekly shopping. I'm not saving 98.3% on my grocery bill like those extreme couponing freaks just yet, but I feel that I'm saving the most I possibly can by having my coupons at the ready to pair them up with the stores' sales. Some weeks are better than others and this one was a good one because I saved about 45% on my groceries. Score!
I found a website couponing101.com that I like and followed her method of setting up a couponing system (I commandeered Keith's unused Franklin Planner binder so now I'm one of those zealots who roams the grocery aisles with her big black notebook stuffed with the weekly ads and dozens of coupons). I do have to dedicate some time each week to clipping and filing coupons and printing off the printable coupons. And making my shopping lists is a bit more strategic so it takes more thought than it used to, but, for us, it's been worth it so far. Sorry to blab, but just wanted to pass that along.
And I know I've made empty promises before, but I'm hoping to be sincere when I say this month's challenge will be coming this week... with a video! (That's always the hold-up).
So in the meantime, keep doing your ab bracing and be ready for.... some planking!
Deets to come soon.
Friday, May 27, 2011
I'm getting organized... very slowly.
Well, I finally got around to one of my organization projects to accomplish this month's challenge. First I had a hard time choosing which one to start with because I have so many! I chose to get my coupons organized because I figured the sooner I got this done the more it would help me save money. I feel great about that but I sure still have a lot of clutter around the house. So it's on to the next project, I guess!
By the way, as I am typing this post, I am suckin' it in! Oh, and Kegel-ing too! (Don't worry, that's not part of the challenge). Oooo, try doing it simultaneously. Whoa!
There's still a few days left to get organized if you haven't yet!
By the way, as I am typing this post, I am suckin' it in! Oh, and Kegel-ing too! (Don't worry, that's not part of the challenge). Oooo, try doing it simultaneously. Whoa!
There's still a few days left to get organized if you haven't yet!
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Abs-solutely Fantabulous
Okay, so I fibbed a little about having a video for this month's abdominal strength challenge. We shot some video but when we finally sat down to edit it, it just looked awful because my form was terrible. Some of you may have heard my neck has been hurting lately (Okay, I know ALL of you have been subjected to my whining). Unfortunately, that hindered my ability to properly demonstrate the challenge I had in mind, so I had to think of something else I could properly demonstrate. The great, fantastic, wonderful news is that my neck is doing mucho, mucho, mas mejor! (translation: much, much, more better... grammer is my strong point in any language). I've been to a few physical therapy sessions and I've really turned a corner on this whole ailment and now it's just a matter of time till the rest of the symptoms go away. YAY!
Anyhoo, sorry this has taken so long to get out, but there's still plenty of time to work on this challenge for the rest of the month. Consider this the pre-curser to the original abdominal challenge I had planned. This is a great exercise that ALL of us can and should be doing on a regular basis. Don't pooh-pooh this as unimportant and not worth your time. DO THIS! It will prepare you nicely for next month's challenge which I will re-shoot with proper form.
May's Abdominal Strength Challenge:
Suck in your gut 10 x/day every other day.
Point Value: 1
How to perform: Stand (or sit) up straight and pull your belly button in toward your spine. Hold this for 5 seconds, relax and repeat. The best cue I've heard for this is to pretend you are trying to zip up a pair of pants so tight that you have to suck in your gut in order to do it. Or another cue that might work is tighten and brace your abs as though you are preparing for someone to punch you in the gut.
My true desire is that we'll all do this every day but you will get the point if you remember to do it at least 5 of the next 10 days.
This can easily be accomplished while you are doing some of your routine daily activities. At the computer? Watching TV? Sit up straight and suck in! At the stove cooking ground beef? Suck in! Put on hold while on the phone? Suck in! Brushing your teeth? Suck in! (Before or after the other tooth-brushing activity, of course. Heehee. Click here if you want in on the joke).
Anyhoo, sorry this has taken so long to get out, but there's still plenty of time to work on this challenge for the rest of the month. Consider this the pre-curser to the original abdominal challenge I had planned. This is a great exercise that ALL of us can and should be doing on a regular basis. Don't pooh-pooh this as unimportant and not worth your time. DO THIS! It will prepare you nicely for next month's challenge which I will re-shoot with proper form.
May's Abdominal Strength Challenge:
Suck in your gut 10 x/day every other day.
Point Value: 1
How to perform: Stand (or sit) up straight and pull your belly button in toward your spine. Hold this for 5 seconds, relax and repeat. The best cue I've heard for this is to pretend you are trying to zip up a pair of pants so tight that you have to suck in your gut in order to do it. Or another cue that might work is tighten and brace your abs as though you are preparing for someone to punch you in the gut.
My true desire is that we'll all do this every day but you will get the point if you remember to do it at least 5 of the next 10 days.
This can easily be accomplished while you are doing some of your routine daily activities. At the computer? Watching TV? Sit up straight and suck in! At the stove cooking ground beef? Suck in! Put on hold while on the phone? Suck in! Brushing your teeth? Suck in! (Before or after the other tooth-brushing activity, of course. Heehee. Click here if you want in on the joke).
Here are some pics to help:
Bad posture: poochy gut, rounded shoulders, head forward. |
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
May Challenge Part I
Yep, it's another 2-parter. This first challenge, I suppose, falls under Emotional Strength. For me it does, anyway. It's a de-cluttering/organizational challenge! I, personally, have several projects that are unifinished and/or unorganized... and it's driving me nutty. These projects are things that I've been wanting to do for quite a while now and I know they will make me feel better and help daily life run more smoothly. So I want to just tackle them and free my mind of the weight of at least one of unfinished projects.
So here's the challenge:
Point Value: 1
Choose a cleaning/tidying/organizing project to accomplish and maintain until the end of the month (and hopefully beyond).
Part II of May's challenge will be posted within days. It's another physical strength challenge that is ABS-olutely fabulous! (Hint, hint!) and it involves another video that I hope works for everyone.
So here's the challenge:
Point Value: 1
Choose a cleaning/tidying/organizing project to accomplish and maintain until the end of the month (and hopefully beyond).
These are some examples of my particular current state of chaos:
- De-clutter desk and DO NOT let unfiled papers build up... ever!
- Organize recipes.
- Organize coupon system.
- Purge and organize clothes/shoes in my closet.
Just one of the many unorganized areas of my home. Ugh. I'm clean; I'm just not tidy. |
I think this will help us all gain a sense of accomplishment and empowerment and lift a little of life's daily burdens off our shoulders. Let's get rid of at least one of the many things that are dragging us down!
Part II of May's challenge will be posted within days. It's another physical strength challenge that is ABS-olutely fabulous! (Hint, hint!) and it involves another video that I hope works for everyone.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Well, I dropped the ball
Here I issued the stinkin' challenge and I didn't even do it! Well I did some of it but not enough for any of the points. My workouts this month have been pretty scatty-wompus due to my neck woes. This past week, though, has brought a big change for the better. My head is still off-center and my arm is still tingling a lot but the pain has reduced significantly. I'm ecstatic and feel so much more hopeful. I'll still probably go to my physical therapy evaluation to see how I can get it to keep improving and hopefully never have to deal with it on this level ever again.
I, personally, am going to do the Physical Strength Challenge this month just for my own benefit since I couldn't this last month. That's the thing with all these challenges, is that they can certainly be repeated or continued. Don't stop just because you accomplished them once!
I will also definitely continue the Spiritual Strength Challenge. Mine was to say nighttime prayers every day this month and this one I accomplished! I just needed to get back into that groove and this challenge was just what I needed to get me back on track and stop being lazy in that regard.
So, watch for the new challenge(s???) this month and keep working hard. And don't forget to report in for your points!
I, personally, am going to do the Physical Strength Challenge this month just for my own benefit since I couldn't this last month. That's the thing with all these challenges, is that they can certainly be repeated or continued. Don't stop just because you accomplished them once!
I will also definitely continue the Spiritual Strength Challenge. Mine was to say nighttime prayers every day this month and this one I accomplished! I just needed to get back into that groove and this challenge was just what I needed to get me back on track and stop being lazy in that regard.
So, watch for the new challenge(s???) this month and keep working hard. And don't forget to report in for your points!
Thursday, April 21, 2011
April Back Exercise Challenge
So here is the final part of April's Physical Strength Challenge. The steps are as follows: Continue to do 3 sets of pushups 3 times this week, along with 3 sets of squats 3 times this week and now add 3 sets of a back exercise 3 times this week from the video below.
Point Value: 1
At the end of the month, you'll have to report how much of this strength challenge you completed. If you do 3 sets of all exercises 3 times this last week of April, then you earn all 3 points. Some of you have already completed your Spritual Challenge (good job) and there's still this next week to complete that for another point.
Good luck and have fun!
By the way, Keith was experimenting with different video effects so that's why there's some funky features on this one.
Point Value: 1
At the end of the month, you'll have to report how much of this strength challenge you completed. If you do 3 sets of all exercises 3 times this last week of April, then you earn all 3 points. Some of you have already completed your Spritual Challenge (good job) and there's still this next week to complete that for another point.
Good luck and have fun!
By the way, Keith was experimenting with different video effects so that's why there's some funky features on this one.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Sharon's Random Report
I call this a random report because I admit I've kinda lost track of the reporting schedule. Man, who's running this show, anyway?! I promise next year I'll be much more organized. It's been a while since I have reported, though, so I thought I'd say Hi. So far my Spiritual Strength Challenge is going well. Mine has been to say my nightly prayers. I'd been getting quite lazy with this one and so far I haven't missed a night this month, so I now have to finish it out before I can give myself a point. I've seen that many others of you are doing well. So keep fortifying spiritually!
I have to say the strength challenge has been just that - a challenge for me this month. I almost killed myself doing the demo video because my neck is in a bad way. Many of you have already heard me gripe about it so I'll try to minimize that here. But I just gotta say: it's killing me! I had a friend who is a physical therapist look at it yesterday and she said I was pretty messed-up. She said I was really mal-aligned and it would take some work to get me back to normal. Sigh. I guess I have to face the music and get some treatment for it. She did give me some exercises and stretches to work on in the meantime.
Though I find this injury really, really annoying, it's not a deal-breaker for me. I WILL be running my marathon in December and I'm still determined to keep our wedding anniversary half-marathon date. I'm just modifying my workouts best I can and having to watch my food intake more closely because I tend to easily gain weight when my activity level goes down. So I'm trying to be physically strong this month as well - just more in my own way!
I'll be issuing the final phase of the Strength Challenge this week. Maybe now that you all know the pain and difficulty I went though to demonstrate these exercises, you'll be more likely to do them so that my supreme effort wasn't in vain!
I have to say the strength challenge has been just that - a challenge for me this month. I almost killed myself doing the demo video because my neck is in a bad way. Many of you have already heard me gripe about it so I'll try to minimize that here. But I just gotta say: it's killing me! I had a friend who is a physical therapist look at it yesterday and she said I was pretty messed-up. She said I was really mal-aligned and it would take some work to get me back to normal. Sigh. I guess I have to face the music and get some treatment for it. She did give me some exercises and stretches to work on in the meantime.
Though I find this injury really, really annoying, it's not a deal-breaker for me. I WILL be running my marathon in December and I'm still determined to keep our wedding anniversary half-marathon date. I'm just modifying my workouts best I can and having to watch my food intake more closely because I tend to easily gain weight when my activity level goes down. So I'm trying to be physically strong this month as well - just more in my own way!
I'll be issuing the final phase of the Strength Challenge this week. Maybe now that you all know the pain and difficulty I went though to demonstrate these exercises, you'll be more likely to do them so that my supreme effort wasn't in vain!
Thursday, April 14, 2011
April's Squat Challenge
Sorry I've not been as timely with these challenge updates as I wanted, but I blame it on the video editing. I still haven't learned the program so I have to wait for Keith to do it and sometimes it's tough to pin that guy down. Anyway, here it is, video and all:
Squat Challenge:
Point Value: 1
First off, REPEAT the push-up challenge. Add a few reps to each set if you need to amp it up a little, but again get your 3 sets of pushups 3 times this week. Now, ADD to that, 3 sets of squats 3 times this week. 10-20 reps each set. Choose which version you want to do from the attached video and squat away! I'm hoping that even those of you with knee issues will at least be able to do the 1/4 squat. Start with that and see how it feels. I suggest alternating squat sets with your pushups. Saves time and gives you a chance to rest one set of muscles while you're working another.
Have fun!
Squat Challenge:
Point Value: 1
First off, REPEAT the push-up challenge. Add a few reps to each set if you need to amp it up a little, but again get your 3 sets of pushups 3 times this week. Now, ADD to that, 3 sets of squats 3 times this week. 10-20 reps each set. Choose which version you want to do from the attached video and squat away! I'm hoping that even those of you with knee issues will at least be able to do the 1/4 squat. Start with that and see how it feels. I suggest alternating squat sets with your pushups. Saves time and gives you a chance to rest one set of muscles while you're working another.
Have fun!
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
April Monthly Challenge - Part II
April's Physical Strength Challenge.
Point Value: Up to 3 points.
You will progressively add 3 strength exercises to your current workout regimen this month. If you're already doing them, great! This will be an easy challenge for you!. If you're not really doing an exercise regimen, then this might be your whole routine for the month, which is great too! You'll be doing something. But you gotta do it the way I say for it to qualify for points.
The first exercise will be push-ups; the second exercise, squats; and the third, a back exercise.
This first week, will be the push-up challenge. You must watch the video and choose a version of push-ups to do 3 times this week. You must do 3 sets of 10-20 repetitions (if you can pound out more than 20 then you need to choose a more challenging version). I recommend giving yourself a rest day in between the push-up workouts. You can do these almost anywhere and any time. They're quick to do and I suggest just tacking them on to the end of your current workout.
So do them!!! All of us should be able to find one option that will work for us, personally. Next week we'll be adding squats to the mix.
Point Value: Up to 3 points.
You will progressively add 3 strength exercises to your current workout regimen this month. If you're already doing them, great! This will be an easy challenge for you!. If you're not really doing an exercise regimen, then this might be your whole routine for the month, which is great too! You'll be doing something. But you gotta do it the way I say for it to qualify for points.
The first exercise will be push-ups; the second exercise, squats; and the third, a back exercise.
This first week, will be the push-up challenge. You must watch the video and choose a version of push-ups to do 3 times this week. You must do 3 sets of 10-20 repetitions (if you can pound out more than 20 then you need to choose a more challenging version). I recommend giving yourself a rest day in between the push-up workouts. You can do these almost anywhere and any time. They're quick to do and I suggest just tacking them on to the end of your current workout.
So do them!!! All of us should be able to find one option that will work for us, personally. Next week we'll be adding squats to the mix.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
April's Monthly Challenges
In creating this challenge, I was inspired by two things that happened this week: our wonderful General Conference and a comment from my awesome sister, Jenny. Jenny sparked things off for me when she mentioned resting from exercise one night last week to work on her spiritual strength by going to the temple. Then with the boost I always get from the fantastic conference talks, I thought it would be great to challenge both our physical AND spiritual strength this month. So, this month's challenge has several parts. I'll break them down so hopefully it won't get confusing.
There will be several possible points to be earned this month. Try to earn them all, of course, but even earning a few will still keep you in the running!
April's Spiritual Strength Challenge:
Point Value: 1
Choose a spritual goal to focus on this month that will help fortify your spirituality. Select something that can be achieved within this month (but feel free to continue the behavior indefinitely!) and that will actually push you to better yourself.
Some possible examples:
These are just some things I thought of, but if you're already on top of all these and on the cusp of being translated, then you'll have to come up with something that will challenge you, personally. Sorry, no extra (earthly) points for doing more than one activity. To get the point, you must report by April 30 what you accomplished.
April's Physical Strength Challenge: TBA tomorrow! It involves a video! Exciting stuff!
There will be several possible points to be earned this month. Try to earn them all, of course, but even earning a few will still keep you in the running!
April's Spiritual Strength Challenge:
Point Value: 1
Choose a spritual goal to focus on this month that will help fortify your spirituality. Select something that can be achieved within this month (but feel free to continue the behavior indefinitely!) and that will actually push you to better yourself.
Some possible examples:
- Achieve 100% visiting/home teaching this month.
- Read scriptures every day this month.
- Say personal prayers every day this month.
- Go to temple ____ times this month.
- Take time to read the entire Ensign cover to cover.
These are just some things I thought of, but if you're already on top of all these and on the cusp of being translated, then you'll have to come up with something that will challenge you, personally. Sorry, no extra (earthly) points for doing more than one activity. To get the point, you must report by April 30 what you accomplished.
April's Physical Strength Challenge: TBA tomorrow! It involves a video! Exciting stuff!
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Kirk's March challenge
I see myself having lost enough weight and exercised enough that it doesn't hurt just walking around or up the stairs. I see myself buying a pair of slacks off-the-shelf at least 4 inches below where I am now.
March Challenge - Keith
I imagine as a result of my disciplined excersizing and the discipline I am teaching myself to have in regards to my eating (snacking) habits, that I will get rid of this spare tire around my waist & reach my goal of 34 inches around at the belly!
Mom's March Challenge
When I think of Dec.2011 I see myself celebrating life and the many blessings I have as a woman,wife,mom, and grandma. This would include being able to go get a blood test that would show a lower A1C level. I am still certain I can turn things around but need to be more centered in my motto....If not now when. I CAN AND WILL DO IT> I have had a break from my intense training(ha ha) because of some issues but I will get back on again.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Me on December 31, 2011
Okay, this is how I would like to describe my state of affairs on this day: It will be 3 weeks after successfully completing the full Las Vegas Marathon. I will have completed that event under four hours and I will have run the whole way. And I just bet I will never have the need to run another marathon in my whole life. We'll see. After taking a break from running workouts, I will stay active through the busy holiday month of December with my other workouts of kettlebelling, biking, boxing, etc. And I will be contemplating my next Golden Sneaker Challenge goal for 2012!!!!
Don't forget to submit your response to the March challenge by the 31st in order to get your point!!! Here it is again:
Don't forget to submit your response to the March challenge by the 31st in order to get your point!!! Here it is again:
Imagine it is December 31, 2011. How would you want to be able to describe yourself on this day in regards to the health goal you set for yourself this year?
Write a few lines about how you envision your state of health to be as a result of your efforts this year.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
It IS Easy Being Green!
And I'm not talking about the "save the planet" type of green, either! I hope you all had your green veggies today.
I decided to try a green smoothie just because I never have and thought it would be fun to do something different. Spinach makes it green but you don't even taste it. It also has a banana, yogurt and a touch of vanilla and honey.
The girls were a bit trepidacious but they did each take a few sips. However, the the only ones to finish the smoothies were me and Keith.
When I was looking up the recipe for the green smoothie, guess what other recipe I ran across: Minty green frosted brownies! Just couldn't resist.
I decided to try a green smoothie just because I never have and thought it would be fun to do something different. Spinach makes it green but you don't even taste it. It also has a banana, yogurt and a touch of vanilla and honey.
A little less fattening than corned beef and cabbage. |
Regan is skeptically asking, "Did leprechauns really make this?" |
Yummy refreshments after swimming. |
The girls were much happier with this St. Patrick's Day treat! |
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Progress slowing:
Last week, I was able to run 10 miles on tuesday with my broken ribs & injured shoulder. I was quite impressed with myself. After that my workouts waned. I did get another little jog in with the girls but that is all I remember from last week. They were on their bikes, I was hunched over Zoey pushing her while trying to run fast enough to keep up with Regan. We got to the park & the running around there was considered my workout. I am weighing at & below 187 last year I was 230 plus. Not to shabby. I haven't measured my waist lately which is my goal for the year but about 2 or 3 weeks ago it was slightly below 37 inches. I am attempting to get near 34 inches by the end of the year (by swimsuit season would be awesome!). This is proving to be slower going than I expected. However, I was reviewing my 3 things Sharon had us submit as to how we would accomplish the main goal and I discovered; I was only concentrating on one of the three. The workouts seem to be the easiest part for me. I just LOVE snack time and feeling full so I still am eating junk and eating too big of meal portions. UGH! So I am recommitting to the three things I committed to in the January Challenge. 1) Excersize 2) Limit Snacking 3) Limit meal portion sizes. Thank you Dad for your post which has given cause for me to look back and recommit myself. I think we all need to be posting and checking in more often to give support and make this the most successful healthy year our family has probably ever had.
A good day.
I rode the bike last night, not for very long but I did it. I went to bed with no snack. I haven't done that in years. Seriously! I'm going to do it one day at a time. I can't control work but I can, with lots of resolve, control my body. Thanks Sharon for your encouragement.
Bonus March Challenge
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It's |
Here's an easy bonus challenge for us all.
In honor of St. Patrick's Day, eat one green vegetable on Thursday, March 17. Let me know what it is!
Friday, March 11, 2011
March Challenge
Point Value: 1
Imagine it is December 31, 2011. How would you want to be able to describe yourself on this day in regards to the health goal you set for yourself this year?
Write a few lines about how you envision your state of health to be as a result of your efforts this year.
This must be submitted to me in writing by March 31 in order to win your point!
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Mom's Mantra
Just tonight Mom reminded me that she did submit her mantra, but I don't think it ever made it onto the blog, so I wanted to make sure to include it becasue it's a good one:
If not now, when?
If not now, when?
Monday, February 28, 2011
Sharon's Report
This past week I logged 12 running miles and 16 biking miles. The week before I only ran 7 but went skiing for about 1.5 hours and played nightly in the pool for 3 days in a row, so that counts for something. In addition to my running and biking miles, I try to get a high-intensity strength circuit workout in a couple of times a week. There's a kettlebell-inspired one that Keith and I love and I'll have to video and share it some time soon. I love it because it can be done at home - I've done it many times in my bedroom! - just using the dumbbells I have and it's quick, feels good and I get results!
I also did several of the bonus challenges: I told Keith and the girls I love them and I'm glad that they're healthy and happy. Regan and Zoey just stared at me and blinked a few times, but I think Keith appreciated the words of encouragement. At least that's what I got from the grunt he gave in response. The girls and I did an after-breakfast neighborhood walk a few times. We ate oatmeal for breakfast several times and we always eat at least 1 fruit/veggie with each meal, so we're trying to keep the ol' tickers healthy!
Also, I'm sorry if I was misleading about the points and due dates, etc. Just to clarify: The February challenge of choosing and posting a mantra is worth 1 point if it's done by Feb. 28. The bonus February challenge is 1 point if you do and report doing at least 3 of the listed activities (sorry no extra points for going above and beyond - just a big pat on the back!) by Feb. 28. And, finally, there are no points awarded by contributing to the cash pot. The reward for that is just making your potential winnings that much more! I just gave a due date to spur you into action, but it'll be just fine to send it whenever it's convenient.
I love my family! I think you guys are great! Oh, and, by the way, I'm glad you're working to improve your health and happiness!
I also did several of the bonus challenges: I told Keith and the girls I love them and I'm glad that they're healthy and happy. Regan and Zoey just stared at me and blinked a few times, but I think Keith appreciated the words of encouragement. At least that's what I got from the grunt he gave in response. The girls and I did an after-breakfast neighborhood walk a few times. We ate oatmeal for breakfast several times and we always eat at least 1 fruit/veggie with each meal, so we're trying to keep the ol' tickers healthy!
Also, I'm sorry if I was misleading about the points and due dates, etc. Just to clarify: The February challenge of choosing and posting a mantra is worth 1 point if it's done by Feb. 28. The bonus February challenge is 1 point if you do and report doing at least 3 of the listed activities (sorry no extra points for going above and beyond - just a big pat on the back!) by Feb. 28. And, finally, there are no points awarded by contributing to the cash pot. The reward for that is just making your potential winnings that much more! I just gave a due date to spur you into action, but it'll be just fine to send it whenever it's convenient.
I love my family! I think you guys are great! Oh, and, by the way, I'm glad you're working to improve your health and happiness!
Sunday, February 27, 2011
I Want Money, Lots and Lots of Money
Remember that song? The '80's rock!
Anyway, the March 1 deadline approaches. Remember way back about a month ago, I called for your cash pot donations??? Well, just in case you forgot, I'm reminding you! If your donation is not post marked by March 1, then you lose out. I kid. Of course I'll accept a donation at any time. However, this is the last time I'm putting a call out for it. Those of you who don't pitch in will just have to wallow in your guilt for not participating because I know that even though you'll tuck it away in the back of your brain as insignificant or as something you'll get to later, it'll be threre niggling away at your peace of mind, bothering you that there's something that you need to get done but just haven't taken the 3 minutes out of your schedule to tuck the tiny amount of cash into an envelope, address it and send it off in the mail.
But, really, no biggie.
Just pitch in if you can.
I already know which pair(s) of shoes I'm gonna buy with the winnings!
Anyway, the March 1 deadline approaches. Remember way back about a month ago, I called for your cash pot donations??? Well, just in case you forgot, I'm reminding you! If your donation is not post marked by March 1, then you lose out. I kid. Of course I'll accept a donation at any time. However, this is the last time I'm putting a call out for it. Those of you who don't pitch in will just have to wallow in your guilt for not participating because I know that even though you'll tuck it away in the back of your brain as insignificant or as something you'll get to later, it'll be threre niggling away at your peace of mind, bothering you that there's something that you need to get done but just haven't taken the 3 minutes out of your schedule to tuck the tiny amount of cash into an envelope, address it and send it off in the mail.
But, really, no biggie.
Just pitch in if you can.
I already know which pair(s) of shoes I'm gonna buy with the winnings!
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