These workouts are all easily adaptable and should be do-able by all of us regardless of our fitness/injury/bodily issue status. In the videos, I tried to show a lower- and higher-intense option... and, of course, if something hurts or doesn't feel right, don't do it!
Now, get busy and make someone else work out!
Workout #1 – Paper Plates (everyone has these in the house, right?)
- 1 minute alternating sliding reverse lunges (start shallow and go deeper as knee health and/or fitness level allow).
- 1 minute alternating sliding forward lunges.
- 1 minute speed skaters.
- 1 minute sliding push-ups (regular, knee, or wall; start shallow and go deeper as shoulder/wrist health and/or fitness level allow).
- 1 minute running man.
- Repeat as necessary for optimal torture level.
Workout #2 – Resistance Band or Tube (if you don’t have one you should get one)
- 1 minute squat & row
- 1 minute wall band push-ups
- 1 minute side-to-side band X
- 1 minute other side-to-side band X
- 1 minute static lunge and curl
- 1 minute static lunge and curl, switch feet
- Repeat as necessary for optimal torture level
Workout #3 – Dumbbells
- narrow squat and press
- Triceps dip and kick
- Lunge and curl
- DB halo
- Sumo squat and swing
- Repeat
OK, it has been a while. Let me introduce myself for those that have forgotten who I am. My name is Keith and I like (scratch that) LOVE to eat! I also, however, enjoy the benefits of being fit. So I have to work extra hard while excersizing so I can continue to eat. I would like to declare that I have reached my fitness goal for the year and then some. I am down from 38 inches at the waist to 33 inches. My goal was 34. I continue trying to lose more inches just to see if I can. I have reached what seems to be an impass in that area though. I ride my bike to work (both jobs) every week, which equates to roughly 110 miles a week on my bike. Then my relentless fitness trainer harps on me to workout with her. All in all I excersize at least 14 times per week minimum. At this moment I am in the best shape of my life and can do just about any physical task asked of me (that is humanly possible that is). But when Sharon asked me to do the October Challenge I must admit I was a little annoyed and had a bad attitude. I already did a grueling 40 minute workout at the park today, then played with Regan, Zoey and some of their friends for another couple hours, then fixed sprinklers, cleaned the yard and tinkered in the garage! I was active ALL day! Zoey and I hung out (played hard) at the park next door to Regan's tumbling class. Then Sharon popped over with Regan to get us and had an unpleasant surprise...her excersize band! She made me go thru one of the three October challenge workouts! After my six minutes of pouting and working out like a slave I was done. I then helped her thru it to get my point. So now it seems I have more points this month than the rest of you! Hahahaha! Love always, Keith