This is a great challenge that everyone can and should do. It was inspired by Mom who told me she was already doing it herself and I thought it would be great for everyone to enjoy the benefits. I myself do something like this regularly and notice that on the days that I do, it really helps perk me up and starts my day off right.... and it often results in ensuring that the entire rest of the day is more active overall.
May Challenge: Morning Activity Burst
Point Value: 1 point for every day it is performed.
Description: In the morning soon after you get up (right after relieving yourself, while waiting for the shower to warm up, while waiting for the microwave to ding while cooking your healthy breakfast oatmeal, etc., etc.) do some squat stretches. Lower yourself into a manageable yet slightly challenging squat, then stand up straight and stretch arms straight up to the ceiling. Hold for a brief moment and repeat as many times as it takes to get your heart slightly pumping.
This is a great, easy way to really rack up some points. It's early in the month, so see how many days you can do this. You may just find yourself adding to it, as I have done: sometimes I add a few more exercise/stretches to it and repeat the circuit until I've done a mini-workout. It's awesome and I feel amazing!
Please keep track of your point totals and you can report them weekly(ish) when I send you the Weekly Progress Report survey. Thanks!
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