Friday, May 25, 2012

Bonus Memorial Day Challenge

Every man is a hero and an oracle to somebody.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Happy Memorial Day weekend! I hope it's lovely for everyone. I think it's an occasion that warrants a bonus monthly challenge! And it's non-physical, which might please some of you; might disappoint others.

Memorial Day is a special time to remember those that have passed on, but the Bonus Challenge is about recognizing loved ones still with us that might need a little "remembering."

Challenge: Send a card or email to someone who might need a special hello or words of encouragement at the moment.

Point Value: 2 points for every card/note mailed (snail mail), 1 point for every email sent. (Keep track and report to me - preferably via your surveymonkey emails. That way I only have to look one place to keep track of points!).

Deadline: May 31. See how many you can send out in 1 week!

I think this definitely qualifies as an exercise in emotional strengthening which can benefit both the giver and receiver! It's a great way to overcome Lazy... How many times have you thought: "I should send them a note...." and then put it off?

Well, DO IT this week!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

A Few Things To Report

No one has reported earning any points on May's monthly challenge so far, except Keith... and I've earned some as well.  I hope you guys are doing it but you won't get points unless your report them to me!  C'mon, who doesn't want to win $50???!!!  There are still many days left to earn many more points this month so get going!  C'mon who doesn't want to feel good in the morning???!!!

I'm glad to be able to report on other activities going on.  Mom and Dad report that they usually get at least a couple of workouts in during the week.  Stephanie has texted me and facebooked several of her workouts lately and she's mentioned that Chrystie is involved in many of them, so good job ladies!  Keep swimming and treadmilling and circuit training, etc., etc.!  Jean and Travis mentioned doing some P90X workouts lately and I know they continue to head out on family bike rides.  Now if they'd only remember to include Fit Stanley maybe we'd see some cool pictures of him in action!  Jean has plans to do better with her snacking this week, so we'll wish her the best on that!  It was great to hear from Alex, who checked in with his survey monkey this week.  He didn't sound too pleased with himself lately, but I think he should be proud of his sweaty yard work and football playing.  Now, follow through with your plans for running this week, Alex, and you'll be able to score higher next week!  Keith continues to bike like crazy both on and off road.  We've both been enjoying our new fitness toy, the heavy exercise rope. That thing is killer!  Keith was skeptical at first, but he's been won over.  If you have a spare minute and 46 seconds, you can see it in action in a video on my latest blog post:  I also, am working on controlling my snacking with mixed results.  Some days are definitely better than others.  I've been finding that consuming a few shakes/smoothies throughout the day helps.  I keep them low-cal and find that they keep my stomach pretty full for quite some time.

Keep working hard, family.  I love when you take the few minutes to fill out your survey monkeys.  It really helps me to put together these updates!

Everyone do a morning activity burst tomorrow!!!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

May's Monthly Challenge

This is a great challenge that everyone can and should do.  It was inspired by Mom who told me she was already doing it herself and I thought it would be great for everyone to enjoy the benefits.  I myself do something like this regularly and notice that on the days that I do, it really helps perk me up and starts my day off right.... and it often results in ensuring that the entire rest of the day is more active overall.

May Challenge:  Morning Activity Burst

Point Value:  1 point for every day it is performed.

Description:  In the morning soon after you get up (right after relieving yourself, while waiting for the shower to warm up, while waiting for the microwave to ding while cooking your healthy breakfast oatmeal, etc., etc.) do some squat stretches.  Lower yourself into a manageable yet slightly challenging squat, then stand up straight and stretch arms straight up to the ceiling.  Hold for a brief moment and repeat as many times as it takes to get your heart slightly pumping.

This is a great, easy way to really rack up some points.  It's early in the month, so see how many days you can do this.  You may just find yourself adding to it, as I have done:  sometimes I add a few more exercise/stretches to it and repeat the circuit until I've done a mini-workout.  It's awesome and I feel amazing!

Please keep track of your point totals and you can report them weekly(ish) when I send you the Weekly Progress Report survey.  Thanks!

Prize Money!

Check out the Money Pot!  It's up to $40!!!  Hey, it's better than $0, huh?  If we all pitch in a little, I think we can get it up to $100 by the end of the year.  When I send Fit Stanley your way, I'm also including a SASE requesting a small donation to the prize pot.  Not a lot... just what you feel comfortable contributing.  I'm hoping for at least $10 from everyone, though.

So as a reminder: 

"Not-So-Dumbbell" award is $50 gift certificate to your choice of iTunes or Sport Authority.  Winner determined by whomever earns the most points from the monthly challenges.

2011 winner:  Me!  By A LOT, too!  Thanks, everyone, for being pathetic and letting me win. (And it wasn't just because I was issuing the challenges. My niece, Ashlee beat me on the Taylor side!)

"Golden Sneaker" award is the Golden Sneaker trophy plus all the money in the prize money pot (last year it was $100).  Winner determined by earning the most votes at the end of the year.

2011 winner:  Keith.  He unselfishly spent the prize money on Regan's soccer registration.

It's fun to win!  YOU should see for yourself!