Friday, February 11, 2011

Sharon's Inspiring Words

Wow, I just realized I haven't shared my mantras with you yet.  I need to earn my point, dang it!  Okay, my mantras will not really come as a surprise, since I've already been posting them like crazy on my blogs and comments.  But I'm stickin' to 'em because they've been helpful for me lately.

See, I've got them posted on my mirror!

Do It Anyway

This phrase again came to my rescue during a recent 6 mile run.  I wanted to stop and walk so bad because I was tired and it was tough and uphill.  Wah, wah.  I thought of this mantra and it kept me running the whole way.  It was hard for me, but I "Did It Anyway"!

It's about progress, not perfection.

This gives me comfort and keeps me focused on the big picture.  Many of you (and myself included) have expressed your disappointment in not doing very well on your goals so far.  But just ask yourself if you made any progress this week as opposed to last.  If not, then - yeah - you need to get busy!  But if you made even some slight progress, you're inching toward your goal.  Make some more progress next week and start striding - not just inching - toward that goal!

Those that haven't yet - turn in those mantras/quotes!  I need some more inspiration!

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