Friday, July 27, 2012

The Real Olympic Challenge!

Olympic Creed:
The most important thing in the Olympics Games is not to win but to take part, just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle. The essential thing is not to have conquered but to have fought well.
I think this is applies perfectly to our own Olympic Challenge: I know many of you don't even bother with the bonus challenges because you think, "why bother; I haven't done many/any up to this point, and any points I get won't help me win." But, the important thing is to just take part! Fight with us to overcome Lazy!

You MUST see this video, by the way, it gives me goose bumps every time! Click on the link below to watch.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Olympic Challenge:

Complete all 5 challenges during the duration of the 2012 Olympic Games (July 27 - August 12).

Point Value:

Gold Medal: Completed all 5 challenges: 10
Silver Medal: Completed 4 challenges: 8
Bronze Medal: Completed 3 challenges: 6
Honorable Mention: Completed 2 challenges: 3
Way-To-Go Mention: Completed 1 challenge: 2

Physical Health Challenge: Do any (or all) of the balance exercises in the video 2 x/week. Do 10 repetitions on each side. Note: you can make any of them WAY more challenging by closing your eyes. Also, I highly recommend standing close to a counter or chair so you don't fall over!

(Please note: The video will be coming demonstrating the above exercises. Keith has not had a moment to spare to help me with this and I can't do it without him! Pathetic, I know. So work on the other challenges for now!)

Nutritional Health Challenge: Try out a new healthy recipe and share the results on the blog (good or bad!). Use one that's already been shared on the blog or search for one of your own. I know this is a goal for many of you but I've enjoyed it so much, I want ALL of us to do it.

Spiritual Health: Add a little more gratitude to your attitude. Pay particular attention to the gratitude portion of your prayers. Use this thought to help you: What if you woke up today with only the things you thanked God for yesterday?

Mental Health: Limit the amount of time your TV is on to 2 hours every day. Not how much you watch it, but how much time it's actually ON. The only exception is if you are watching the Olympics. No joke. This might be a tough one for many of us, but this is an excellent anti-aging practice for our brains. (Read this link if you need convincing: Use your free and quiet time to exercise your brain (these might help: and/or work on any of these Olympic challenges!

Emotional Health: Compliment at least one person each day. Mix it up: family, friends, strangers. Try to do it verbally and in person, but I'll even count texting, emailing and phone calls.

Please note: you don't have to do these challenges perfectly! In the spirit of the Olymic Creed, just take part! You will earn your points if you honestly attempt to incorporate these challenges during the next 3 or so weeks.

"Faster, Higher, Stronger" - in all aspects of our lives!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Faster, Higher, Stronger

Okay, mi familia, I have not been a strong presence in our Golden Sneaker Challenge lately. Sorry. But, let's move on to bigger and better things. Like our Olympics bonus challenge!!!
I am not going to issue the actual challenge just yet. But, I want to get you motivated and prepared to jump into it! Even if you have not been participating up to this point, this is a good one to start with - everyone can do it and it has plenty of variety.

This challenge is based on the five Olympic rings. You will have 5 different challenges to work on during the 2 weeks of the 2012 Summer Olympics which run from Friday, July 27 to Sunday, August 12.

The 5 challenges cover these areas: Physical health, nutrition, spiritual health, mental health and emotional health.

I repeat, EVERYONE CAN DO THESE, I promise. I will issue the actual challenge within days (I know you've heard that before!) so you can hit the ground running after watching the Opening Ceremonies on July 27!

Let's DO THIS, everyone!

Overcome Lazy!!!

This reperesents my dream Olympics!
No, wait... this one does.  Really!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

A Little Fun With Stanley

Ah, it was so great to see Fit Stanley again and catch up with him. (Still waiting for the pictures, Twitchells - hint, hint)  I'm sending him on ASAP, but in the few days we've had him here, he was itching to get out and do something (he really hates sitting around) so we took him up to Mt. Charleston to do some hiking with us.

It was significantly cooler up there and it was wonderful to escape the Las Vegas heat for the afternoon.

This hike was in Fletcher Canyon and as we got further in, we had to scramble over some very slippery rocks (which we dubbed "silk rocks" because Zoey asked why the rocks had silk on them).

We even found a natural rock slide which the girls and Stanley enjoyed several times. They made Stanley go first just to make sure it was safe.

So, watch your mail: Fit Stanley is ready for his next active adventure!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Hello, My Name Is Sharon...

I've been so out of touch this last month that I feel I need to introduce myself! Between school ending, family visitors, a vacation, a near search-and-rescue mission (the van Keith was driving to scout camp broke down in Death Valley - emphasis on Death) and a few family health crises, it's been one crazy month! Looking back, it hasn't been the laziest month, thankfully, but it was just haphazard and chaotic with plenty of good AND bad stuff thrown in.

What I mostly regret is not getting a monthly challenge out, nor any check-in surveys to see what's going on with everyone!  One bright spot was getting Fit Stanley back home safe and sound.  The Twitchells kept him active during some summer activities (Note to family - please don't COMPLETELY submerge him - he's not waterproof - but he can handle a few splashes).  I know they took pictures to document it, we're just waiting to see it on the blog!  (Hint, hint).   Ooooo, who'll get him next??? Watch your mail!

Also, watch the blog because the JULY CHALLENGE is coming within days, perhaps even hours.... but most likely days. It will be Olympically-related, of course! I can't wait to watch the games and be inspired by some seriously un-lazy folks.

We survived June! Let's tackle July!