Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Marching On...

So is anyone remembering to march?!

I admit, I've only done so twice - it's an easy one to forget about! My wonderful, supportive husband (albeit reluctant at times) has also earned two points. The first time, I got a call from him Monday night. It was a little odd because I was at home working on the computer and he was in our bedroom, so when I answered, I asked, "what are you doing?!" He answered, "marching." Isn't he fantastic?! He'd just read the challenge on the blog and got right on it! And then, this morning, he had taken Zoey to her dance class when I needed to call him. There was kind of a pause after he answered and he explained that he'd had to go around the corner to start marching because he didn't want any of the other parents to think he was weird.

Thank you, Sweetie, for overcoming Lazy!

It makes me think that just maybe I should call each one of you and remind you to march during our entire conversation so everyone will get at least one point! I wouldn't make it a short conversation, either. I'd drone on and on about all the cute little things my girls are doing and the plot twists of the latest book I'm reading. Heehee.

Siguen adelante, mi familia... March on, march on...

Monday, March 26, 2012

Forward... March!

March Challenge:

Stand up and march in place during 1 or more phone calls each day until the end of the month.

I would like to challenge you to do this during ALL calls, but I'll be pleased if you do it during at least 1 call a day.

You get 1 point for every day that you march in place during at least 1 phone call until the end of the month. So keep track of how many days you have a marching phone call and let me know. Counting today (Monday) you can earn up to 6 points!

I already marched today! Actually I only left a voice mail, but from the moment I dialed the number until the end of my message, I was marching! I only felt a little silly.

But more than anything, I felt PROUD that I'm Overcoming Lazy!

By the way, this will really help those of you keeping track of your steps with a pedometer!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

So Proud Of My Golden Sneakers!

Future Golden Sneaker Winner!
Thanks to all those who completed their goal surveys!

Wasn't it quick and easy and fun?! Well, those are the first words that pop into MY head, anyway!

I hope you found it helpful in making a plan to set your goals in motion. Just a warning: I plan on using these surveys a lot this year in helping us report progress and get/give feedback, etc.

The reason I say I'm proud of you Golden Sneakers is that you've let me know through the blog posts, the surveys, texts, facebook, and/or emails that many of you are off to a good start. Most of you indicated you have a positive attitude going into the Challenge this year!  And you're DOING things!  For example, several of you have signed up for Weight Watchers.  Jean reported making progress on reducing her soda consumption.  Dad is using his new punching bag for workouts.  I love it!

Upcoming events:
  • Another (the quickest one yet) survey! Woot, woot! Look for it in your email tomorrow!
  • Another Monthly Challenge for the final week of March! (remember the first Challenge this month, worth 1 point, is to fill out your personal goal survey).
  • National Rub Your Tummy and Pat Your Head Day. Okay, I made that up, but it would be fun to celebrate, no?
Keep up the good work, mi familia!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Thanks, Grace!

Thanks to Grace's birthday party, several of us got to try a new activity that challenged us a bit physically, I'd say.  Rock climbing!  I hadn't dressed properly to do any climbing, but I knew I'd regret it if I didn't at least give it a try. 

Grace showing us how it's done!
Especially after watching Travis make it to the top of his wall and get to triumphantly ring the cow bell.
More cow bell!
So I kicked off my flats and surprised myself by making it to the top of my wall as well.  This one didn't have a cow bell, so I just had to utter a primal shout of victory... right before I made the mistake of looking down and whimpering for my Mommy.  I was higher than I realized!
Just like Spidey

We all had a great time and I got one step closer to accomplishing my goal of trying 3 new fitness activities this year.  First one down!
The little ones got into it too.  Isaac got quite a bit higher than this, even!

And they all loooooved the swinging!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Healthified Mac N Cheese

Mac N Cheese.  My girls love it.  It's easy to make.  It's cheap.  But I feel guilty every time I serve it to them because it's not a nutritional all-star.

But, I've found ways to adapt it so I don't feel nearly as guilty when I cave in and fix it for them.

First, while the noodles are cooking, I will throw in some frozen veggies.  Usually peas because it's always fun to say to them (EVERY SINGLE TIME), "eat your mac n cheese n peas.... please."  Then, when I make the sauce, instead of butter or margarine, I use Brummel and Brown spread.  It has 50% less fat and calories than butter and tastes great!  For the milk, I will often just use our skim milk but I will usually use Almond Breeze (or Silk) unsweetened almond milk when we have it on hand.  It has way less calories and sugar than milk and, again, tastes great!

Well, we certainly know her version
ain't exactly healthy!
Lately, I've made another addition because it always bothers me that the pasta is not whole grain.  So I tried sprinkling in some ground flaxseed into the sauce.  This boosts the fiber and protein plus gives you the bonus of those healthy Omega-3s.  I started off with just a tablespoon to make sure the girls would be OK with it and they didn't say a word!  Gobbled it up like usual, so I've bumped up the amount to about 2 tablespoons.

With these changes, I'm convinced that this is a pretty well-balanced, decently healthy meal.  And the modifications are so simple, it's still super quick and easy!

Healthy convenience.  Love it!

Monday, March 5, 2012

The Surveys Are Getting Personal

Coming to you this week (some of you may have already received them) in your email: Your own, PERSONALIZED survey to help you put your goals into action. Many of you listed some great goals, but they were a little vague, so these surveys are designed according to your specific, individual, personal goals.

Yes, I will be a little put-out if you don't take the time to respond to these quick, easy surveys (none have been longer than 6 questions, so far) because they're taking me a bit of time to execute for every single one of you.

But it's a labor of love because I really want you all to have some success and satisfaction this year! Unless you don't respond, then it becomes a labor of loathing. I will hate you if you ignore your personal survey.

So that's March's first challenge worth 1 point:

Complete your personal Golden Sneaker 2012 goal survey.

Thank you!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

You All Made It... Phew!

Thanks goodness for 29 days in February this year.  Most of you used that extra day to submit your
Golden Sneaker goals in time to get the point!  Good job, guys!

Here's the run down on the rest of you: 

Mom:  Try a new healthy recipe 3x/week, avoid eating after 9 pm, have veggies (limit butter/cheese) take up more room dinner plate.

Jean:  Run 5K by July, swim 2x/week, eat at least 1 veggie/day.

Travis:  Lose 10 lbs., eat more salad, bike 5 miles/week.

Chrystie:  Follow Weight Watcher's plan, workout 4x/week, do 5K on April 28.

Alex:  Run 1/2 marathon.

Stephanie:  Get organized, work out 4x/week, learn healthy cooking recipes, participate in 5-10K by summer.

Yeah, you probably noticed we're lacking one person in the cool person club.  Let's hope he steps it up and joins in.  You won't earn a point on this one, Gabe, but you will be mocked, ridiculed, nagged, etc. by the rest of us until you turn in a goal and join the roster.

Watch your email/the blog/facebook/your texts Monday for the next progression in our Golden Sneaker Challenge!