Thanks goodness for 29 days in February this year. Most of you used that extra day to submit your
Golden Sneaker goals in time to get the point! Good job, guys!
Here's the run down on the rest of you:
Mom: Try a new healthy recipe 3x/week, avoid eating after 9 pm, have veggies (limit butter/cheese) take up more room dinner plate.
Jean: Run 5K by July, swim 2x/week, eat at least 1 veggie/day.
Travis: Lose 10 lbs., eat more salad, bike 5 miles/week.
Chrystie: Follow Weight Watcher's plan, workout 4x/week, do 5K on April 28.
Alex: Run 1/2 marathon.
Stephanie: Get organized, work out 4x/week, learn healthy cooking recipes, participate in 5-10K by summer.
Yeah, you probably noticed we're lacking one person in the cool person club. Let's hope he steps it up and joins in. You won't earn a point on this one, Gabe, but you will be mocked, ridiculed, nagged, etc. by the rest of us until you turn in a goal and join the roster.
Watch your email/the blog/facebook/your texts Monday for the next progression in our Golden Sneaker Challenge!